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Check Change Administrator’s Password.
Enter the new password.
Enter to confirm.
From Terminal
Refer to the previous section titled “
Configuration in Terminal Program
” for terminal
emulation. After seeing the following command prompt, follow the instructions in italic fonts
to s etup the new password. Please note that passwords are case sensitive.
Please type old password: ****
Type in old password and press <Enter>
Note: In default, there is no password in the device, so just leave
this entry blank and hit “Enter” to enter the configuration mode.
type new password (0 to 6 characters) : ******
Type the new password
and press <Enter>
re-type new password (0 to 6 characters) : ******
Re-type the new
password and press <Enter>
Forgot your password?
Refer to
section for “Factory Reset” procedures.