Connection Type
Data required
Fixed IP (Static)
Fixed IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway and Primary DNS (Secondary
DNS is optional).
Login name and password (Service Name
is optional)
Usually, none. But some ISP may require a
particular Hostname, Domain name, or MAC
(physical) address.
The following set-up information is designed to help you set-up your gateway to
connect to the Internet. The set-up is different depending upon the type of
Internet Connection you have with your ISP (Fixed IP, PPPoE or DHCP). If
you're not sure what type of connection you have, please contact your Internet
Service Provider and collect the required information. Below is a table that
outlines the basic data you will require from your ISP.
Internet Access
After setting up Internet Access you will be able to Remote Manage the
Gateway using the WAN IP. By default the Web Access and Telnet
Access management are enabled. Both of these methods provide
access over the internet so they do pose a potential security risk. It is
recommended that once configuration is complete, both Web and Telnet
access are disabled for security reasons. Turning of Web Access
disables access from the Internet; however, you will still have web
browser access from the LAN side from a computer in the same
segment. If you prefer leaving Web and / or Telnet access enabled, be
sure to change the administration password. In the event that you
should forget the password see section 6 Connection through Console.