Section 4: Operating Instructions
4220ST & 4420ST Light Utility Vehicles 700-504M
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deep the water is and the strength of the current.
Cross where you have a gradual incline for entry and
exit and the bottom is fairly clean and free of
obstacles. Maintain a slow steady speed disturbing
the stream bed as little as possible. If you submerge
the engine or the whole vehicle, do not attempt to start
the vehicle but take it to your nearest Land Pride
dealer immediately. After intermittent stream or
shallow water crossings, dry out the brake linings and
drive belt by slightly accelerating the engine rpm while
riding the brakes momentarily until full drive power
and braking are restored. You may lose forward
momentum and power if water gets into the sealed
torque converter and drive belt through the
enclosure’s vents. Always remove the CVT drain cap
to drain any water that may have entered the
enclosure. Replace cap once all water is drained.
Backing up in an off-road situation might seem a
simple thing to do to a novice, but having to back down
a hill is a very dangerous situation. If you are on level
ground always look behind you and back up slowly. If
you find yourself having to back down a hill, apply the
brakes very lightly. Hard braking can cause total loss
of control and a rollover situation. Try to back straight
down the hill without turning. Turning in this situation
can also cause a rollover.
Whenever possible, park your vehicle on a level
surface, set the park brake by placing shift selector in
(P) and remove ignition key. If you do have to park on
a hillside make sure you chock the rear wheels on the
downhill side to prevent a roll away. It’s a good idea to
keep your spare key stashed separately.
10. Never operate a vehicle under the influence of drugs
or alcohol. When you’re driving off-road vehicles you
need to keep your senses keen and capable of quick
reaction, sharp perception and good balance.
11. Working or recreation in the deep wilderness or on the
prairies can be personally rewarding and very
enjoyable to those who truly love and understand
nature and the outdoors. Good judgement, maturity,
proper preparation and planning can turn these
adventures into great experiences you’ll talk about for
a lifetime. Share these adventures with young people
whenever you can and show them how to do it
properly. Don’t let anyone under 16 operate this
vehicle. They just aren’t mature and experienced
enough to take on the serious responsibility of
operating a vehicle in the off-road environment
without the benefit of an experienced adult with them.
Remember, the only one who can prevent and avoid
an accident is the operator in control and that’s you!