1/16 SLASH 4WD • 15
Higher Speeds Require Greater Distance
The faster you drive your model, the more quickly it will near the
limit of radio range. At top speeds, models can cover anywhere
between 50 to 100 feet every second! It’s a thrill, but use caution to
keep your model in range. If you want to see your model achieve its
maximum speed, it is best to position yourself in the middle of the
truck’s running area, not the far end, so you drive the truck towards
and past your position. In addition to maximizing the radio’s range,
this technique will keep your model closer to you, making it easier
to see and control.
No matter how fast or far you drive your model, always leave
adequate space between you, the model, and others. Never drive
directly toward yourself or others.
TQ 2.4GHz Binding Instructions
For proper operation, the transmitter and receiver must be electronically
This has been done for you at the factory.
Should you ever
need to re-bind the system or bind to an additional transmitter or
receiver, follow these instructions.
: the receiver must be connected
to a 4.8-6.0v (nominal) power source for binding and the transmitter and
receiver must be within 5 feet of each other.
1. Press and hold the SET button on the transmitter.
2. Turn on the transmitter and release the SET button. The status LED will
flash red slowly, indicating that the transmitter is in bind mode.
3. Press and hold the LINK button on the receiver.
4. Turn on the speed control by pressing the EZ-Set button, and release
the LINK button.
5. When the LEDs on both the transmitter and the receiver turn solid
green, the system is bound and ready for use. Confirm that the
steering and throttle operate properly before driving your model.
LED Color / Pattern
Solid green
Normal Driving
See page 13 for information
on how to use the transmitter
Slow red
(0.5 sec on / 0.5 sec off)
See this page for more information
on binding.
Flashing medium red
(0.25 sec on / 0.25 sec off)
Low Battery
Put new batteries in the
transmitter. See page 11 for
more information.
Flashing fast red
(0.125 sec on / 0.125 sec off)
Link Failure /
Transmitter and receiver are no
longer bound. Turn the system
off and then back on to resume
normal operation. Find source of
the link failure (i.e., out of range,
low batteries, damaged antenna).
LED Color / Pattern
Solid green
Normal Driving
See page 13 for information
on how to use your transmitter
Slow red
(0.5 sec on / 0.5 sec off)
See this page for more information
on binding.
Flashing fast red
(0.125 sec on / 0.125 sec off)
Failsafe / Low-
Voltage Detect
Consistent low voltage in the
receiver triggers failsafe so that
there is enough power to center
the throttle servo before it
completely loses power.
Your Traxxas radio system
is equipped with a built-in
failsafe function that returns
the throttle to its last saved
neutral position in the event
of a signal loss. The LED
on the transmitter and the
receiver will rapidly flash red
when the failsafe mode is
activated. If failsafe activates
while you are operating
your model, determine the
reason for signal loss and
resolve the problem before
operating your model again.