Interconnecting Two Devices
12.1 BC-2010 operating as a Wiegand Output Reader
In this mode the BC-2010 supports a Wiegand 26 bit output so the Wiegand data lines can be
connected to any controller which supports a Wiegand 26 bit input. See figure 1.
Figure 1
12.2 BC-2010 operating as a Controller
In this mode the BC-2010 supports a Wiegand 26 bit input so an external Wiegand device
with a 26 bit output can be connected to the Wiegand input terminals on the BC-2010. Either
an ID card reader (125 KHZ) or an IC card reader (13.56MHZ) can be connected to the
BC-2010. Cards are required to be added at the external reader, except where an external
EM reader is used, in this case cards can be added at either reader. See figure 2.
Figure 2