Publication date: Mar. 2016
33600 Rev B
Parameters description:
SNMP enable:
The term SNMP enable here is used for the activation or de-activation of
SNMP. Default is “Disable”.
Read/write/Trap Community:
Community name is used as password for authenticating if the
requesting network management unit belongs to the same community
group. If they both don’t have the same community name, they don’t
belong to the same group. Hence, the requesting network management
unit cannot access the device with different community name via SNMP
protocol; If they both have the same community name, they can talk each
Community name is user-definable with a maximum length of 15
characters and is case sensitive. There is not allowed to put any blank in
the community name string. Any printable character is allowable.
The community name for each function works independently. Each
function has its own community name. Say, the community name for
Read only works for Read function and can’t be applied to other function
such as Write and Trap.
Default SNMP function: Disable
Default community name for Read: public
Default community name for Write: private
Default community name for Trap: public
System Event:
The System Event trap enable here is used for the “Cold Boot” or “Warm
Boot” of system Event. Default is “Disable”.
Port Event:
The Port Event trap enable here is used for the “Link Up” or “Link Down”
of system Event. Default is “Disable”.
4-2-14. RSTP/STP
RSTP detects and resolves network loops, and provides backup links
between switches, bridges and routers. The protocol allows a switch to
communicate with other RSTP compliant switches, and to ensure only one path
existing between two stations in your network environment.
The switch allows you to create multiple STP configurations and assign ports
to a specific tree.
Function name:
RSTP System Configuration
Function description: