Installation Checklist
Requirements for Gas Heat
Gas supply line properly sized and connected to the unit gas train.
All gas piping joints properly sealed.
Drip leg Installed in the gas piping near the unit.
Gas piping leak checked with a soap solution. If piping connections to the unit are complete, do not pressurize piping in excess
of 0.50 psig or 14 inches w.c. to prevent component failure.
Main supply gas pressure adequate.
Flue Tubes clear of any obstructions.
Factory-supplied flue assembly installed on the unit.
Connect the ¾” CPVC furnace drain stubout to a proper condensate drain.
Requirements for Hot Water Heat (SLH_)
Route properly sized water piping through the base of the unit into the heating section.
Install the factory-supplied, 3-way modulating valve.
Complete the valve actuator wiring.
Requirements for Steam Heat (SSH_)
Install an automatic air vent at the top of the return water coil header.
Route properly sized steam piping through the base of the unit into the heating section.
Install the factory-supplied, 2-way modulating valve
Complete the valve actuator wiring.
Install ½”, 15-degree swing-check vacuum breaker(s) at the top of each coil section. Vent breaker(s) to the atmosphere or merge
with return main at discharge side of steam trap.
Position the steam trap discharge at least 12" below the outlet connection on the coil.
Use float and thermostatic traps in the system, as required by the application.
O/A Pressure Sensor and Tubing Installation (All units with Statitrac or Return Fans)
O/A pressure sensor mounted to the roof bracket.
Factory supplied pneumatic tubing installed between the O/A pressure sensor and the connector on the vertical support.
Field supplied pneumatic tubing connected to the proper fitting on the space pressure transducer located in the filter section, and
the other end routed to a suitable sensing location within the controlled space (Statitrac only).
Requirements for Modulating Reheat Dehumidification
Install (5U108) humidity sensor in space or return duct
Complete field wiring of humidity sensor to ECEM (1TB16). Refer to “Field Installed Control wiring” for guidelines.
Evaporative Condenser
Remove fan bracket
Hookup inlet and drain piping
Install Heat tape if needed
Setup drain hold or drain on power loss
Setup Mechanical Float
Setup drain time
Setup water quality management (3rd party or Trane factory-installed Dolphin Water Care™ System)
Options setup
Calibrate Conductivity Controller
Setup blowdown set points on the conductivity sensor
Table 33. Installation Checklist (continued)