Daily Unit Start Up
The timeline for the sequence of operation begins with a power-up of the main power to the chiller. The sequence
assumes 1 circuit RTSF water cooled chiller with no diagnostics or malfunctioning components. External events such
as the operator placing the chiller in AUTO or STOP, chilled water fl ow through the evaporator, and application of
load to the chilled water loop causing loop water-temperature increases, are depicted and the chiller responses to
those events are shown, with appropriate delays noted. The effects of diagnostics, and other external interlocks other
than evaporator water-fl ow proving, are not considered.
Note: unless the UC800 TD7 and building automation system are controlling the chilled-water pump, the manual unit
start sequence is as follows. Operator actions are noted.
If the present checkout, as discussed above, has been completed, the unit is ready to start.
Press the STOP key on the TD7 display.
2. As necessary, adjust the set point values on the TD7 menus using Tracer TU.
3. Close the fused-disconnect switch for the chilledwater pump. Energize the pump(s) to start water circulation
4. Check the service valve on oil line. This valve must be open (back seated) before starting the compressors.
5. Verify that chilled-water pump runs for at least one minute after the chiller is commanded to stop (for normal
chilled-water systems).
6. Press the AUTO key. If the chiller control calls for cooling, and all safety interlocks are closed, the unit will start.
The compressor will load and unload in response to the leaving chilled – water temperature;
After the system has been operating for approximately 30 minutes and has become stabilized, complete the
remaining start up procedures, as follows:
Check the evaporator refrigerant pressure and the condenser refrigerant pressure under Refrigerant Report on
the TD7.
2. Check the EXV sight glasses after enough time has elapsed to stabilize the chiller. The refrigerant fl ow through
the sight glasses should be clear. Bubbles in the refrigerant indicate either low refrigerant charge or excessive
pressure drop in the liquid line, or an expansion valve that is stuck open. A restriction in the line can sometimes
be identifi ed by a noticeable temperature differential between the two sides of the restriction. Frost will often
form on the line at this point. Proper refrigerant charges are shown in the General Information Section;
3. Measure the system discharge superheat.
4. Clean the air fi lter located on the door of the control panel of AFD when required.
Seasonal Unit Startup Procedure
Close all valves and reinstall the drain plugs in the evaporator and condenser.
2. Service the auxiliary equipment according to the startup and maintenance instructions provided by the
respective equipment manufacturers.
3. Close the vents in the evaporator and condenser water circuits.
4. Open all the valves in the evaporator and condenser water circuits.
5. Open all refrigerant valves.
6. If the evaporator and condenser were previously drained, vent and fi ll the evaporator and condenser water
circuit. When all air is removed from the system (including each pass), install the vent plugs in the evaporator
and condenser water connections.
7. Verifi y periodically water characteristics as it is a key element for heat exchanger reliability.
8. Check the adjustment and operation of each safety and operating control.
9. Close all disconnect switches.
10. Refer to the sequence for daily unit start up for the remainder of the seasonal start up.
Ensure that the compressor and oil separator heaters have been operating for a minimum of 24 hours
before starting. Failure to do so may result in equipment damage.
Unit Start-up