Figure 62.
Sequence of operation: normal shut-down to stopped and run inhibit
Local Stop
Normal Latching Diagnostic
Normal Non-Latching Diagnostic
Tracer Stop
External Auto-Stop
Preparing Shutdown
Shutting Down
Shutting Down
IGV Closed
Pump Off
Delay and
Run Inhibit
Run Inhibit
Close IGV (0 to 50 seconds)
(CVH: 3 minutes)
(CVG: 1 minute)
Command IGV Closed
Enforce All Running Mode Diagnostics
De-Energize Condenser
Water Pump Relay
De-Energize Oil Pump
De-Energize Evaporator
Water Pump Relay
Evaporator Pump Off Delay Time
(0 to 30 minutes)
Confirm No Compressor Currents
Within 8 seconds
Confirm No Oil Press*
5 minutes After Oil Pump
is De-Energized
*Note: CVH: No oil pressure is less than 3 psid (20.7 kPaD)
CVG: No oil pressure is opened Oil Differential Pressure Switch
Power Up
“Software Operation Overview Diagram,” p. 74
includes an illustration of Tracer® AdaptiView™ during
a power up of the UC800. This process takes from 30 to
50 seconds depending on the number of installed
Ice Machine Control
The control panel provides a service level Enable or
Disable menu entry for the Ice Building feature when
the Ice Building option is installed. Ice Building can be
entered from Front Panel or, if hardware is specified,
the control panel will accept either an isolated contact
closure 1A19 Terminals J2-1 and J2-2 (Ground) or a
remote-communicated input (BAS) to initiate the ice
building mode where the unit runs fully loaded at all
times. Ice building will be terminated either by opening
the contact or based on entering evaporator fluid
temperature. The control panel will not permit the Ice
Building mode to be entered again until the unit is
switched to the non-ice building mode and back into
the ice building mode. It is not acceptable to reset the
chilled water setpoint low to achieve a fully loaded
compressor. When entering ice building, the
compressor will be loaded at its maximum rate and
when leaving ice building, the compressor will be
unloaded at its maximum rate. While loading and
unloading the compressor, all surge detection will be
ignored. While in the ice building mode, current limit
setpoints less than the maximum will be ignored. Ice
Building can be terminated by one of the following
Front panel disable
Opening the external ice contacts/remote-
communicated input (BAS)
Satisfying an evaporator entering fluid temperature
setpoint (default is 27°F [-2.8°C])
Surging for seven minutes at full open inlet guide
vanes (IGV)