STEP 10 - Verify Refrigerant Adjustment
Run system for ten (10) minutes.
Check new Suction Pressure and Liquid Line Tem-
Measured Liquid Line Temperature = _____ ºF
Measured Suction Line Pressure = _____ PSIG
Measured Liquid Line Pressure = _____ PSIG
If the current Measured Suction Pressure is different
than the previous Measured Suction Pressure mea-
sured in Step 5, repeat Steps 6-9 and locate the new
Target (MINIMUM) Liquid Temperature and Maximum
Allowable Liquid Pressure using the table.
Adjust charge if required.
10 MIN.
STEP 11 - Record System Information
Record system pressures and temperatures after
charging is complete.
Outdoor model number = _________________
Measured Outdoor Ambient = __________ ºF
Measured Indoor Ambient = __________ ºF
Measured Liquid Line Temp = __________ ºF
Measured Suction Line Temp = __________ ºF
Liquid Gage Pressure = __________ PSIG
Suction Gage Pressure = __________ PSIG