Section 9. Evacuation
9.1 Evacuate the Refrigerant Lines and Indoor Coil
Important: Do not open the service valves until
the refrigerant lines and indoor coil leak check and
evacuation are complete.
STEP 1 - Evacuate until the micron gauge reads no
higher than 350 microns, then close off the valve to
the vacuum pump.
STEP 2 - Observe the micron gauge. Evacuation is
complete if the micron gauge does not rise above
500 microns in one (1) minute.
Once evacuation is complete blank off the vacuum
pump and micron gauge, and close the valves on the
manifold gauge set.
1 MIN.
Section 10. Service Valves
10.1 Open the Service Valves
Important: Leak check and evacuation must be com-
pleted before opening the service valves.
Important: The Vapor Service Valve must be opened
first BEFORE opening the Liquid Service Valve!
STEP 1 - Remove service valve cap.
STEP 2 - Fully insert 3/16” hex wrench into the stem
and back out counterclockwise until valve stem just
touches the rolled edge (approximately five (5) turns.)
STEP 3 - Replace the valve stem cap to prevent
leaks. Tighten finger tight plus an additional 1/6 turn.
STEP 4 - Repeat STEPS 1 - 3 for Liquid Service
Rolled Edge to
Captivate Stem
Hex Headed
Valve System
Service Port
3/16” Hex Wrench
Unit Side
of Service
Extreme caution should be exercised when opening
the Liquid Line Service Valve. Turn counterclock-
wise until the valve stem just touches the rolled
edge. No torque is required. Failure to follow this
warning will result in abrupt release of system
charge and may result in personal injury and /or
property damage.