STEP 7 - Determine Target (MINIMUM) Liquid Temperature
1. Identify the table that applies to your outdoor unit model number.
2. Find the Measured Outdoor Ambient Temperature from Step 4 along the top of the table. If the Outdoor Ambi-
ent is below 60 ºF use the 60 ºF temperature on the table.
3. Locate the Measured Suction Pressure from Step 5 along the left side of the table. If system suction PSIG is
below 115, use the 115 pressure on the table.
4. Determine the Target (MINIMUM) Liquid Temperature at the intersection of the Measured Suction Pressure
and the Measured Outdoor Ambient Temperature.
If intersection falls between two listed temperatures on the table you will need to estimate.
5. Locate the Maximum Allowable Liquid Pressure along the bottom of the table.
If intersection falls between two listed pressures on the table you will need to estimate.
Target (MINIMUM) Liquid Temperature = __________ ºF
Maximum Allowable Liquid Pressure = __________ PSIG
The following pages contain the charging tables needed for these steps.