MIU-1500 / CompuCount User’s Guide
Page 8
Viewing Counts
To view the current sensors and their
data, start your browser and enter the
Manager's IP address in the "Address:"
The user can view the count total at
different time granularities. The user can
view counts summed per Half Hour, per
Hour, per Day, per Week, or Per Month.
Clicking on the links at the top of the
screen will change the time granularity.
The user can also navigate through count
history by using the "Prev" and "Next"
buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Clicking the "Now" button will take you to
the current date and time. If counts have
been recorded for the current view, they
will be displayed. Otherwise (for example,
if the requested view is in the future, or a
time earlier than the first sensor
transmission) the cell for that time period
will display "n.a." (for "not applicable").
Each configured sensor has a row in the table. Directional counters show counts on two lines for Count A and
Count B. The total of all counts for all sensors for that time period will be displayed on the bottom row of the table
and the right hand column.
For all time intervals greater than Half Hour, the top row of the table contains links to focus in on a smaller time
interval. For example from the "Per Month" view you can click on a specific month, like January, in order to see
the weekly breakdown of counts for January.
To get the latest data, click the "Now" button or click the "Refresh" button on the browser.
The date and time on the display show the time the report was generated.
You can make the table appear smaller if you want it to fit on the screen better by (in Internet Explorer) going to:
View | Text Size | Smaller.