To become proficient with the operation of the receiver, you should
consider activating a transmitter, and have someone in your family
or group place it in an open area free from obstructions (where it
can be relocated, if necessary). A good distance to start would be
at least several hundred yards. Turn on the receiver, switch to the
correct frequency, set gain control to Manual, and reduce the gain
setting so that only 2 to 3 bars shows on the LCD screen in the
direction of the strongest signal. Once this is completed, keep the
receiver on and walk toward the strongest signal sweeping continu-
ously in a 180 degree arc that contains the strongest signal. As you
approach the transmitter (indicated by the signal becoming
stronger) continue to reduce the gain (turn knob counter-clockwise)
so that only 2 to 3 bars are displayed in the direction of the
strongest signal. You should quickly locate the transmitter after a lit-
tle practice. After you become proficient in locating the transmitter
in a flat area (line-of-sight), you are ready to practice in more chal-
lenging landscape.
The speed of the sweep is important. If you sweep too fast, it
will be difficult to get an accurate reading. A steady sweep is
best to start in order to get an initial reading. Once you have an
initial bearing indication, verify that your bearing is correct by
making a few sweeps in other directions. Practice will provide
you with the correct technique.
In the line-of-sight exercise, you should have noted several char-
acteristics of the signal:
• The bearing of strongest signal was fairly consistent.
• The signal strength diminished in a consistent pattern as you
varied 30 or more degrees right or left of the true bearing to
the transmitter.
: Pay particular attention to the gain control setting. It is
much easier to track a transmitter when the gain is set at the low-
est setting that yields an audible signal. If you are using MANUAL
gain control mode, adjust the gain downward until the signal is
barely audible (2 to 3 bars on the LCD screen).