be able to “read” the signal in different locations. It is highly recom-
mended that you practice first before taking your dog hunting,
searching for a lost individual or tracking stolen property.
A tracking transmitter broadcasts a distinctive beeping sound in all
directions in a manner similar to an FM Broadcast station. The
Maxima receives the signal and provides an indication of the sig-
nal strength. The signal strength of the transmitter detected by the
receiver will depend on many factors such as distance to the trans-
mitter, obstacles, signal bounce and antenna polarization. The
unique antenna of the Tracker Maxima is designed to favor
reception from one direction. When the Maxima is pointing in
the direction of the transmitter, the signal will be stronger.
The observed strength of the signal depends on the amplitude
of the wave detected by the receiver. The higher the signal
amplitude, the greater the signal indicated by the Tracker receiv-
er. Radio waves spread in all directions from the source of the
transmission. As the spreading signals travel away from the
source their amplitude decreases and the indicated signal level is
reduced. The antenna's function is to receive the waves for the
receiver to process.
The degree of difficulty in locating a transmitter can vary consid-
erably. Key factors include, landscape, natural and man-made
obstructions (trees, buildings, power lines, etc.) and weather con-
ditions. These factors influence the strength of the signal
received either by attenuating (reducing the strength of the sig-
nal) or creating a reflection that will indicate a “false position”
where the signal will “bounce off” an object. Understanding how
the signal is influenced by these factors will vastly improve your
ability to locate a dog, wild animal, lost individual or property.
: Make sure you take the time to familiarize yourself with
the controls before tracking a transmitter in the field. With a little
practice you will become a proficient tracker.