Traqmate User Manual V1.0
June 14, 2005
Copyright © 2005 Track Systems Technologies, LLC
Page 17
Menu System
All of the Display Unit features are accessible through a text menu system. To access a feature
use the UP and DOWN buttons to highlight the item you want on the screen. Press
activate that item. Some items actually perform a function while others go to other menus. This
chart shows the menu tree.
Main Menu
Record Data
Laps – enters lap timing mode
Choose Start / Finish – Unit is waiting for driver to choose a Start / Finish location
Searching for Start / Finish – Unit is waiting for vehicle to cross Start / Finish Line
Erase Start / Finish – erases Start / Finish for chosen track
Drive – enters data recording mode with directional indicators
Autocross – enters hi-res recording mode
1/4 Mile – enters hi-res recording mode
1/8 Mile – enters hi-res recording mode
View Sessions
List of Recorded Sessions
View Laps
Steps through recorded lap times
Erase Data
Erases selected session
Session Detail
Displays driver, car, track, session memory usage, start date/time, end
date/time, laps recorded, sampling rate, and temperature at start.
Pick from list of drivers entered in Traqview
Pick from list of vehicles entered in Traqview
Pick from list of tracks entered in Traqview
Sampling Rate
10 Hz
Selects 10 samples per second
20 Hz
Selects 20 samples per second
40 Hz
Selects 40 samples per second
UP or DOWN to change LCD contrast
Erase Sessions
Erases all sessions but retains drivers, vehicles, tracks
Other Features
GPS Compass
Enters non-recording GPS compass mode. Shows time, speed, and heading.
GPS Information
Enters non-recording GPS information mode. Shows x, y G-forces, date and time,
GPS location in latitude/longitude, heading, speed, and temperature.