Wireless-N Broadband Router 11N – User Guide
Chapter 8: Virtual Server
Single Port Forwarding
The W306R can be con
gured as a virtual server on behalf of
local services behind the LAN port. The given remote requests
will be re-directed to the local servers via the virtual server. This
section deals with the single port forwarding mainly. The Single Port
Forwarding allows you to set up kinds of public services such as
web servers, ftp, e-mail and other specialized Internet applications
on your network.
the virtual server uses known host-name or public IP
External Port:
This is the external port number for server or Internet
application, for example, port 21 for ftp service.
Internal Port: This is the port number of LAN computer set by the
Router. The Internet traf
c from the external port will forward to the
internal port.
For example, you can set the internal port NO.66 to act as the
external port NO.21 for ftp service.
IP Address:
Enter the IP address of the PC where you want to set
the applications.
Select the protocol (TCP/UDP/Both) for the application.
Well-Known Service Port: Select the well-known services as DNS,
FTP from the drop-down menu to add to the con
gured one above.
Click to check it for corresponding operation.
If you set the virtual server of the service port as 80,
you must set the Web management port on
Remote Web Management page to be any value except 80 such as
8080. Otherwise, there will be a con
ict to disable the virtual server.