13.7 GLP Data Format
GLP information is returned as 18 lines terminated by a carriage return. When using the “?G”
command (section 13.5), the computer must respond with a character after receiving each line.
For example…
smartCHEM-T V1.0 T1234 @ 31/12/2004 13:00
mV Offset= 10.0mV @ 01/04/2004 12:00
pH Asy= 0.10pH @ 01/04/2004 12:10
pH SlopeA= 99.0% @ 01/04/2004 12:20
pH SlopeB= 99.0% @ 01/04/2004 12:30
Temp. Probe Offset= 1.0oC @ 01/04/2004 12:40