Appendix A: General Maintenance (continued)
Filter Check Continued
The other two filters are located in the water trap. The main filter is the A794F
particle filter. This filter stops debris and dust from traveling down to the analyz-
er. The secondary filter is the A794W water block filter. This filter stops flow in
the event the water trap fills with condensate. Refer to the picture below.
Open the water trap and look at the A794F particle filter. The filter will typically
get dirty from the inside first. If the filter is dark on the inside a replacement fil-
ter should be installed.
If the A794F is clean but saturated with water a replacement should be installed
to ensure proper flow. The saturated filter can be left to dry and reused later.
Pump Operation Check
1. Turn the analyzer on as outlined on page 8. Do not connect anything to the
inlet. Wait until the analyzer has completed the initial purge and sensor check
and is operating normally prior to proceeding to step 2.
2. Cover the analyzer inlet with your finger. The analyzer should display “FLO
ERR” and a rapid beeping should be heard.
If the analyzer does not beep and display “FLO ERR” this may be an indication
the flow sensor requires calibration, the pump is faulty, or there is an internal
leak. The analyzer should be returned for factory service.
Water trap bowl. A794
water trap pictured. A795
water trap is similar but
Particle Filter
Block Filter
Water trap lid. O-ring is
located in the lid recess
A794D Filter
Spacer Disc
Appendix A: General Maintenance
All combustion analyzers use consumable items such filters and probes. These
items are user serviceable and can be taken care of by the operator.
The consumable items that will require operator attention are the water trap / fil-
ter assembly, flue probe, pump protection filter, and ambient temperature probe.
The recommended maintenance schedule for your analyzer is as follows:
Maintenance Performed
Water trap Check
Once per week (Once per day for analyzers
Filter Check
that see heavy use or are used in oil fired
Pump Operation Check
Once per month (More often for analyzers
Flue Probe Integrity Check
that see heavy use or are used in oil fired
Thermocouple Probe Check
Water Trap Check
Visually check the water trap for:
1. Cracks in the bowl.
2. Broken ears on the bowl where the lid locks on.
3. Broken ears on the lid.
4. Worn out o-ring on the lid.
5. Loose connection to the flue probe tubing.
Filter Check
Signs of dirty or water saturated filters are a slow pump, flow error displayed
when the flue probe is connected, and measurements that take longer than nor-
TPI analyzers use three filters to protect the pump and sensors. The first filter to
check is the A763 mini pump protection filter. (see picture below)
Strain Relief Spring
Inspection Window
A763 Pump Protection Filter
Look in the inspection window to check the filter. When the filter material
becomes dark, pull the black nose cone out of the tubing and replace the ball fil-
ter inside.