Chapter 5 Network Tab
WAN MAC Address
This field displays the current MAC address of the WAN port. If your ISP binds the
MAC address of your previous computer/router, please enter the correct MAC
address into this field. The format for the MAC Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX (X is
any hexadecimal digit). Click Restore Factory MAC to restore the MAC address of
WAN port to the factory default value.
Your PC’s MAC Address
This field displays the MAC address of the PC that is managing the router. Some
ISPs require that you should register the MAC address of your PC. If the MAC
address is required, you can click
Clone PC’s MAC
to set the WAN MAC address
the same as your management PC’s MAC.
If your ISP delivers Internet through phone line and provides you with username and password, you
should choose this type. Under this condition, you should fill in both User Name and Password that the ISP
supplied, please note that these fields are case-sensitive.
User Name/Password
Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-
Connection Mode
Please choose the Connection mode.
On Demand
You can configure the device to disconnect your Internet
connection after a specified period of inactivity (
Idle Time
). If your Internet
connection has been terminated due to inactivity, Connection
on Demand
enables the device to automatically re-establish your connection when you
attempt to access the Internet again. The default Idle Time is 15 minutes. If
your Internet connection is expected to remain active all the time, enter
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