Displays the port number of the Switch.
Ingress Rate (bps):
Select the bandwidth for receiving packets on the port.
Egress Rate(bps):
Select the bandwidth for sending packets on the port.
Displays the LAG number which the port belongs to.
1. If you enable ingress rate limit feature for the storm control-enabled port, storm control feature
will be disabled for this port.
2. When egress rate limit feature is enabled for one or more ports, you are suggested to disable
the flow control on each port to ensure the switch works normally.
11.2.2 Storm Control
Storm Control function allows the switch to filter broadcast, multicast and UL frame in the network.
If the transmission rate of the three kind packets exceeds the set bandwidth, the packets will be
automatically discarded to avoid network broadcast storm.
Choose the menu
Bandwitdth Control
Storm Control
to load the following page.
Figure 11-8 Storm Control
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Storm Control Config