the holes in the servo arms from the bottom of the arms.
Place nylon Faslinks to each pushrod, and then cut the
wires with 1/16" [1.5mm] protruding from the Faslinks.
Reattach the clevises to the control horns and replace the
servo arms on the servos.
6. Use a hobby knife with a sharp blade and cut the
steering pushrod guide tube at the location shown in the
above photograph. Do not cut the steering pushrod at this
time. Carefully align the nose wheel as straight as possible.
Align the steering pushrod with the second hole (out from
the center) in the rudder servo arm and place a mark on the
steering pushrod as shown in the above photograph. As you
did with the previous pushrods, make a 90° bend at the
mark, install the servo arm and the Faslink, and cut off the
excess steering pushrod.
7. Center the throttle servo arm on the throttle servo as
shown in the above photograph. Remove the throttle servo
arm and install the screw-lock pushrod connector in the last
hole on the servo arm. Slip the throttle pushrod into the
screw-lock pushrod connector and replace the servo arm
onto the servo.
Before tightening the screw-lock pushrod connector, look
inside the carburetor on the engine and move the throttle
pushrod until the barrel of the carburetor is 1/2 open. With
the throttle servo arm still centered on the servo, tighten the
screw on top of the screw-lock pushrod connector. Using
the above photograph as a reference, cut off the excess
throttle pushrod but leave a minimum of 1/2" (13mm) of
excess rod for adjustments later.
8. Install the battery/receiver mounting plate into the
fuselage using four 3mm x 10mm Phillips head screws as
shown in the above photograph. Note: You may place the
supplied hook and loop material into the battery/receiver
mounting plate prior to mounting the plate into the fuselage.
It is a bit more difficult if you wait to do this when you mount
the receiver and battery. Refer to step #10 for location.
9. Locate the cutout for the on/off switch on the left side
of the fuselage, away from your engine exhaust, and cut the
covering from this cutout. Remove the cover plate from the
radio system on/off switch and use it as a pattern to drill the
two holes on either side of the cutout. This will allow you to
mount the on/off switch by placing the two screws back into
the cover plate and placing them through the fuselage side.
Hold the on/off switch in place and re-insert and tighten the
two screws in the on/off switch.