3mm x 10mm Phillips head wood screws and the nylon
landing gear straps as shown in the photograph.
4. Install the nose gear by attaching the nose gear
bearing bracket to the firewall with two 4mm x 12mm
Phillips head screws and the two 4mm washers which
must go behind the bracket so they act as spacers as
shown in the photograph above. Apply Threadlocker to
these screws before installing them.
5. The steering arm should be cut off as shown in the
above photograph. Place one of the wheel collars into the
steering arm base, making sure the threaded hole for the
set screw is aligned with the hole in the steering arm base
as shown in the photograph above. The 3mm x 8mm
Phillips head set screw is then placed into the wheel collar
through the hole in the base of the steering arm.
6. Place the screw-lock pushrod connector onto the
steering arm exactly as shown in the above photograph.
Important Note: The screw-lock pushrod connector is
assembled in the bag. In order to place it onto the steering arm
you will need to remove the wheel-type nut and the washer on
the end of the unit. Insert the threaded stem of the unit into the
hole on the steering arm in the manner shown in the
photograph. Place the washer on the threaded stem followed by
the wheel-type nut. Apply Threadlocker to the threaded stem
and then gently tighten the nut. It is important not to overtighten
this nut; this would not allow the screw-lock pushrod connector
to rotate on the steering arm while in operation. Adjust the
tightness of the nut and test the connector’s ability to rotate but
still be somewhat tight. When you are satisfied with this
adjustment place a small amount of Threadlocker on the top of
the nut and allow it to wick down into the threads.
7. Place another wheel collar with a 3mm x 5mm Phillips
head set screw onto the nose gear wire. Then insert the
nose gear wire into the nose gear bearing bracket. As you
slide it through the bearing bracket, hold the assembled
steering arm in place and slide the nose gear through the
steering arm and into the hole in the bottom of the engine
mount. Note that the existing flat spot on the nose gear wire
is facing forward. When you have the nose gear installed,
tighten the two Phillips head set screws in the wheel collars
to complete the installation.
8. Place a 5mm wheel collar and a wheel on each of the two
main landing gear axles. Add the second 5mm wheel collar on
the outside of the wheel to each axle. Center the wheel on the
axles. Mark the location of the outer wheel collar on the axles
with a felt-tipped pen. Remove the wheel collars and wheels;
then, file or grind a 1/4" [6mm] flat spot on the axles at the
locations you marked. This is done to prevent the wheel collar
from turning or becoming loose during flight. Secure the 2
wheels on the axles using the 3mm x 5mm Phillips head set
screws in the wheel collars, using Threadlocker on the set
screws to hold them securely in place.
Repeat this process for the nose gear using 4mm wheel
collars and the wheel with the 4mm hole for the axle.
Double check all the wheels to make sure they still spin
freely. If not, move the inner wheel collar away from the
wheel slightly and retighten the screw.