4. Taking accurate measurements, locate the center of
the stab along the trailing edge. Slide the stab into the
fuselage and center it over the aft end of the fuselage. Insert
a T-pin through the stab and into the fuse at the location
shown in the photograph above. This will hold it in place but
will still allow for correct alignment.
5. Support the model with a small stand or cardboard
box. Place the wing into the wing saddle on the top of the
fuselage. Stand five to ten feet behind the model and view
the stab and wing. If the stab and wing align with each other,
proceed to the next step. If the stab and wing do not align,
place a small weight on the “high” side of the stab to bring it
into alignment. If much weight is required, remove the stab
and carefully sand the slot in the fuselage where the stab
fits until it aligns with the wing.
6. Stick a T-pin into the top of the fuselage centered in the
middle stringer over the firewall. Tie a small loop in one end of
a piece of non-elastic string (K & S #801 Kevlar thread;
K&SR4575). Slip the loop in the string over the T-pin.
7. Fold a piece of masking tape over the other end of the
string and draw an arrow on it. Slide the tape along the
string and align the arrow with one end of the stab as shown
in the photograph. Swing the string over to the same
position on the other end of the stab. If the distance is not
equal move the stab 1/2 way to the arrow. Then move the
string back to the other side to check alignment. Adjust the
stab in this manner until both sides are equal.
8. When you are satisfied with the alignment of the stab
use a fine-point felt-tip pen such as a Top Flite Panel Line