1. The photo above shows the items you will need to
complete this step. These parts are:
#1 Fuselage (1)
#2 Main Landing Gear (2)
#3 Nose Gear (1)
#4 Wheels (3), (2 with 5mm axle holes, 1 with 4mm
axle holes)
#5 4mm x 12mm Phillips Head Screws (2)
#6 Nose Gear Bearing Block (1)
#7 4mm Wheel Collars (5)
#8 5mm Wheel Collars (4)
#9 3mm x 8mm Phillips Head Set Screw (1) For Nose
Gear Steering Arm Only
#10 3mm x 5mm Phillips Head Set Screw (8)
#11 4mm Flat Washers (2)
#12 Landing Gear Straps (2)
#13 3mm X 10mm Phillips Head Wood Screws
#14 Nylon Steering Arm (1)
#15 Screw-Lock Pushrod Connector Assembly (1)
Important Note: The main landing gear has a diameter of
5mm and the nose gear’s diameter is 4mm. Look carefully
at the wheels and wheel collars used during the following
steps and you will notice that one wheel has a 4mm hole for
the axle. This wheel is the nose wheel only. The same is
true with the wheel collars. Use the 4mm collars to
assemble the nose gear.
2. Test fit the two main landing gear wires into the pre-
drilled holes inside the channel located in the bottom of the
fuselage. If they will not go in easily, drill out the two holes
using a 5/32" [4mm] drill bit. Next, use the drill bit or hobby
knife to bevel the inside corners of the holes so that the
bend in the wire will seat fully into the holes and the wire will
be flush with the bottom of the fuselage. Place the landing
gear wires into the channel. Look carefully and you will find
four pre-drilled holes under the covering. They can be seen
in the photograph.
3. At the locations of the pre-drilled holes attach the
nylon landing gear straps to the fuselage using the four