the silicone clevis keeper over the clevis. Repeat this for all
three pushrods.
3. Insert the end of the pushrod wire into the hole on the
left side of the fuselage. Position the control horn on the
elevator half. Once the control horn is properly positioned,
use a fine-tip marker to mark the hole locations. Drill a 3/32"
[2.4mm] hole through the marks you made on the elevator,
drilling all the way through the elevator. Install the control
horn to the elevator by inserting a 2 x 15mm machine screw
through each of the holes in the control horn and threading
them into the control horn plate on the top of the elevator.
Repeat this procedure for the other elevator.
4. Insert the remaining pushrod into the hole on the top of
the fuselage. Mount the control horn to the rudder following
the same procedure used for the elevator.
5. Locate the three components of the screw-lock
connector: the 3 x 5mm set screw, connector and the knurled
nut. Remove the servo arm from your throttle servo. Drill the
outermost hole of the servo arm with a 5/64" [2mm] drill bit.
Install the connector by inserting the threaded pin into the
servo arm.
Place a drop of Threadlocker onto
the threads. Install the knurled nut onto the threads but do not
tighten it against the servo arm. It is necessary for the connector
to be able to rotate in the servo arm hole. If you do not use
the thread-locking compound, the nut will come off resulting
in the loss of the throttle control.
6. You may find it necessary to shorten the length of the
white nylon tube that the throttle pushrod is in. Cut it so that
it extends just beyond the former that supports the servo tray.
Make a mark on the former at the point where the white nylon
tube contacts it. At that point cut a small notch in the former
for the tube to rest in. Sand the tube with 220-grit sandpaper
where the tube contacts the notch you made in the former.
Glue the tube into the notch with 6-minute epoxy.