13. Locate two 4mm wheel collars and two 3 x 5mm set
screws. Slide them over both of the elevator pushrods. Center
both halves of the elevator. Then, tighten the set screws.
Install the wire pushrod into the servo arm, retain the pushrod
with a nylon pushrod connector and then install the servo
arm onto the servo.
This completes the servo installation. Your final servo
installation should match the photograph.
14. Plug the servo leads into the receiver and install the
battery switch and charge jack following the instructions
provided with your radio system. Be sure to install the switch
on the fuselage side opposite the muffler to prevent fuel from
getting into the switch.
15. Wrap the battery and receiver in 1/4" [6.4mm] thick
foam rubber. Place them into the fuselage as shown.
16. Locate one of the discarded servo arms you cut off
earlier. You are going to use it as a strain relief for your receiver
antenna. Route the antenna through the arm as shown.
17. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole in the side of the fuselage.
Insert the antenna through the hole, pulling it out of the
fuselage. The plastic servo arm should be pulled against the
inside of the fuselage.
18. Following the illustration at step 17, use another servo
arm on the end of the receiver wire. Insert a T-pin into the top
of the vertical fin. Attach a rubber band to the antenna and
the T-pin.