ToTal gYm
Premiere FliP CHarT
TemPo – sPeeD oF movemenT
Tempo is the pace at which you move during the exercise. For instance, performing the squat
with a slow tempo (3 seconds up – concentric and 3 seconds down – eccentric) would expose
the muscles to approximately six seconds of work per repetition. The same exercise performed
at a fast tempo (1 second up – concentric and 1 second down – eccentric) would provide two
seconds work – per repetition. Tempo is a critical component because the amount of time a
muscle is under tension is a primary stimulus by which the body gets stronger.
In the following Program Charts, tempo is defined by two numbers with a slash between them.
For example 2/3 indicates 2 seconds up – concentric, and 3 seconds down – eccentric.
resT PerioD
A rest period is the time taken between sets or the next exercise. Always follow the prescribed
rest period. Rest period length has direct correlation to the positive physiological response of any
How often should you exercise? We suggest 20-30 minutes and 3-5 times per week. If you want
to work out more frequently, or for a longer time period, go right ahead. However, follow your
program guidelines.
bilaTeral movemenT
This is the most common type of exercise movement.
It occurs when both arms or both legs move together
in the same direction. You will probably do most of your
exercises this way.
Definition of Terms
Three Exercise Movements
sTaTiC equilibrium
Both arms move simultaneously in opposite directions
during static equilibrium. These exercises hold the
glideboard in a stable position with no movement. This
type of exercise allows you to concentrate intensely on
toning the upper body and helps improve your aerobic
endurance and coordination.
unilaTeral movemenT
The unilateral movement is performed when one arm
or one leg remains stationary, while the other moves
independently. As shown, the right arm stays fixed
while the left arm moves through the movement. This
allows you to concentrate more intensely on isolated
body parts.