5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
Chapter 6: If Something Goes Wrong...................122
Problems that are easy to fix ............................. 122
Problems when you turn on the device ............. 123
The Windows operating system is not
working ........................................................ 125
Using Startup options to fix problems ......... 125
Internet problems......................................... 127
Power and the battery ....................................... 128
Keyboard help.................................................... 129
Perform a complete power cycle ................. 129
Reset the Keyboard dock ............................ 130
Uninstall the keyboard driver ....................... 130
Perform a system restore............................. 131
Clean the keyboard...................................... 131
Touchpad help ................................................... 131
Disable then enable the touchpad ............... 131
Install an external mouse ............................. 132
Perform a complete power cycle ................. 132
Uninstall the touchpad driver ....................... 132
Download the latest touchpad driver........... 133
Perform a system restore............................. 134
Adjust the touchpad properties ................... 134
Display problems ............................................... 134
Disk or storage drive problems.......................... 136
Error-checking ............................................. 136
Web Camera help .............................................. 138
Testing your internal Web Camera .............. 138
Uninstall the Web Camera driver ................. 138
Perform a system restore............................. 139
Check for problems with third party
applications ............................................ 140
System Recovery ......................................... 140
Sound help......................................................... 140
Use the Sound troubleshooter ..................... 140
Check and set default speakers .................. 141
Uninstall the audio driver ............................. 142
Download the latest sound driver ................ 143
Perform a system restore............................. 143
Printer problems ................................................ 144