You are now in the ‘Recipe Settings’ screen for the recipe selected
previously. A summary of brew settings is shown on this screen.
Pressing one of the brew attribute buttons provides a greater level
of detail of the feature and provides access for editing the
programmed values. Note: using the + or – on this screen will allow
scrolling through all programmed recipes in sequence. This is a
convenient way to quickly change status to active or inactive on
multiple recipes. Pressing the “Active” button will toggle the status
of the recipe between available and not available. A recipe will
not be shown on the brew selection screens unlessit is set to
Recipe Available.
Press the “Temp” key to display the ‘Temperature’ detail screen.
Both the brew temperature and the recipe specific temperature
tolerance may be adjusted here. To change either of these two
items, first select the item to be adjusted and then use the + and
– keys to change value. Note that if autoarm is set to use a global
value in the ‘Personalize, Other Settings’ screen, the temperature
tolerance shown on this screen will have no effect. Likewise if
autoarm has been disabled on that screen, the setting here will
also have no effect. Press return to return to the Recipe Settings
Press the “Volume” key to access the ‘Volume’ detail screen. Note the multiple volumes associated with the brew
cycle are all simultaneously displayed for convenience. Various math checks are done and enable or disable other
programming selections based on input. The example recipe below shows a total brew volume of 384 ounces
(3 gallons). 80 ounces of that volume will be delivered from the hot water tank through the sprayhead into the
brew basket (concentrate). Of the 80 ounce of
hot water, 12 ounces will be delivered at the start of the brew cycle
as a pre-infusion delivery. A pause between the pre-infusion volume
and the continuation of the brew cycleis programmable in the brew
time screen. The temperature ofthe balance (bypass) of the 384
ounces of total brew volume is selected as cold since this is an ice tea
recipe. The cold water will be delivered from a separate dispense
point and will not go through the basket. There is one brew valve
turned on of the two possibly available. This setting will impact
allowable brew time since water delivery is different for 1 or 2 brew
valves. (Note: 1 valve is normal).
To modify the numeric values shown, first select an item and then use the + and – keys/buttons to change the
value. Tap the non- numeric items to toggle through the available choices. When the preferred option is displayed,
it is set. Brewers may not have componentry installed for all options. Items will be greyed out if unavailable due to
other selections or values. Press return to return to the ‘recipe settings’ screen.