Name of function
Description of function
of station numbers, may be programmed at any
master station, and any previous programming
of that same number at any other station is
automatically cancelled. When the party call-
ing has dialed the number to which he wishes
to speak, the call is then routed to the station
at which the Personal Number was last regis-
tered. The numbers which may be assigned in
this group are 1000 through 1255.
When anyone having a personal number leaves
the office, he merely cancels the programming
of his personal number. With the personal
number cancelled, any incoming calls to that
number will be answered by a dial tone,
indicating that he is not available.
When a quiet area is connected to a high noise
level area, the party calling from the quiet area
often finds it difficult to make himself heard
by the party in the noisy area. By
this key the party in the quiet area can domi-
nate the one-way line to the noisy area. Releas-
ing this key will reverse the one-way conver-
sation flow to duplex or two-way conversation.
When this function has been activated, the
party depressing the key is the speaking party.
This function is also handy when it is neces-
sary to make an announcement.
Personal number program cancellation can be
done at any station be merely dialing:
This function is activated when the
(Press-To-Talk Bar)
is pressed after dial tone confirmation or dur-
ing conversation. This allows one-way conver-
sation from the party depressing the function
key. When the key is released, the function is
automatically cancelled and hands-free conver-
sation can be resumed.
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