Fig. 9.22 Performance indicator
is the full User’s Manual supplied with the program
offers other fonts necessary for foreign languages
runs diagnostic tests on the PG program
offers additional language versions
creates a diagnostic file used for support issues
Performance check
This function tests the capture rate from the USB
camera. For 100% performance the PC must handle
80 images per second If the performance is lower,
too many background applications in the PC might
slow down your computer. Shut down not used
applications and run this check again.
9.12 Enhance Mode
When a water droplet is applied on a surface of low reflectance (e.g. dark, rough craft liner), the
droplet base will appear against a dark background. If the light level is increased, or the parameter
CameraGain /Threshold is adjusted to distinguish the droplet base from its background, the droplet top
can become too bright against the illuminated background. This is where the image enhancing routine
will be very helpful. The enhancing routine is available in Static Mode, Dynamic Mode and
Advancing/Receding Mode. Please note the image enhancing function remains in operation also when
a new test mode is selected (e.g. changing from Static to Dynamic Mode).
Select ”Normal” on the Image Control Panel (Fig 9.1) to start with the default settings.
Place the instrument on the test surface and apply a liquid droplet on the surface.
Double-click in the video image to switch from greyscale to a binary image if necessary.
Adjust the Camera Gain control until the top of the droplet is completed. Then use the Enhance
control to create a solid black contour all the way down to the base of the droplet.
When the final settings have been found these test parameters can be assigned to a test button as
described in Section 9.1 of this User’s Manual.
Please note the default test button ”Normal” cannot be assigned new parameters!