7.3 Regular Post driver hammer inspection & Maintenance
Regular inspection is essential for keeping the post driver hammer operating in the best condition.
Consult with the service station for regular inspection and maintenance.
Customers are recommended to contact the local dealer for inspection within six months after delivery.
7.4 Replacement of the Driver Tool
The Tool is deformed by burrs occurring after long-term use. When a Tool tip is worn out,
The Tool is liable to slip. Then, sharpen the Tool tip. Grinding the Tool tip many times to sharpen the edge, but it will
make the heat-treated hardened with a new Tool. If the gap between the Tool and the Tool bush becomes large, the
piston will fail exactly to hit the upper part of the Tool, resulting in damage. When the gap is found to be over 9mm,
replace the Tool bush together with the Tool.
Change Timing of the Tool Bush (mm)
Wear Limit(mm)
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