0.5 m from the casing of the stove.
Caution! To avoid accidental contact with the hot stove, it is
recommended to make fences made from non-flammable
material in the form of a grid or cage, and wear protective
clothing, protective (fireproof) gloves and goggles while
kindling the stove.
Caution! It is forbidden to build a solid fence around the stove which
prevents free convection air flow.
Caution! It is prohibited to dry clothes even on partially cooled surface of
the stove.
Caution! The release of carbon monoxide into the room is deadly.
Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, it is a product of combus-
tion of wood, coal, oil, gas and other combustible substances. It is very
important to have a good draft and a reliable ventilation system, which
allows to remove the combustion products through the chimney.
Caution! Install smoke and gas detectors in the room where the stove is
Sensors should be installed at a distance from the stove, preventing
false triggering. When installing, operating and maintaining gas sensors,
follow the manufacturer's instructions.
In case of an alarm (triggering of a carbon monoxide sensor):
Immediately move to fresh air.
Call the fire service or emergency service.
After making the call, look around to make sure everyone has
evacuated the hazardous room. Do not return to the room until
fire-fighters or emergency service personnel allow you to do so.
If you return, you may black out and die.
If the source of the carbon monoxide is a malfunctioning
device, do not use the device until professionals check it.
Caution! If you have heard the alarm signal of the leakage detectors for
household gas and carbon monoxide, do not try to find the
source of gas!
Under any circumstances do not change the air supply system to the
combustion chamber to increase the burning intensity. The use of a boost
and / or other deviations from the designed system of air supply to the
stove create dangerous operating conditions.