1. Open the REEF-Cam App
2. On the “Camera List” page select
“Add Camera”.
The REEF-Cam App will now search your
WiFi network to find available cameras.
3. Select ‘Add Remote Camera’
4. Name the camera as required then enter
the UID or scan the QR code of the
remote camera you wish to connect to.
please note:
The UID and QR Code for
your REEF-Cam can be found on the back
of the WiFi hub.
Finally, enter the password of the remote
camera you wish to connect to.
To confirm any changes made,
To return to the previous page
nEtWorK connEction - adding a rEmotE camEra
(e.g a friend or family member’s rEEf-cam that is not on your local Wifi network)
REEF-Cam instructions v1-2016_Layout 1 11/08/2016 11:23 Page 11