TM 9-1829A, April 1944
Outer casing:
Straighten out old casing assembly with hands only (never use hammer). Examine carefully
and replace if threads on nuts are badly worn or stripped, if ferrule is damaged, or if casing stock is kinked,
stretched, or otherwise defective. If casing must be replaced proceed as follows:
Measure old casing:
Lay old casing on flat surface and measure over-all length. Determine length of
casing stock by subtracting dimensions A and B (fig. 129).
Figure 129: Drawing showing length to cut casing stock
Cut new casing:
Select proper size casing stock and, using hacksaw, carefully cut off proper length for
casing being made up. Grind off any burs on ends of casing stock.
Attach ferrules:
Using old casing assembly as a guide, insert new casing stock into new ferrules, making
certain that nuts are in place.
For 0.445 inch O.D, or larger casing stock
(fig. 130): Using fixture (T-52644), place ferrule
between upper and lower crimping die, hold casing firmly and, using hammer, strike solid blow on
fixture. Caution must be used to prevent collapsing the casing.
Figure 130: Crimping ferrule, using fixture (T-52644)
Repeat the above while turning casing and ferrule until a ring is crimped completely around the
ferrule. Then move ferrule in dies and crimp another ring as described above (fig. 131).
Figure 131: Ferrule crimped on casing