TM 9-1829A, April 1944
Remove odometer intermediate gear:
It is necessary to remove this gear only when it is to be replaced.
Drill out crimping at center of spur gear (fig. 82) and punch out drive gear.
Figure 82: Drilling out crimping at center of spur gear
Remove and disassemble speed unit:
Remove three field plate screws (fig. 83) and lift off speed unit.
Remove two screws (fig. 83) and lift out rear jewel bracket.
Figure 83: Speedometer mechanism (odometer frame removed)
Place one jaw of long-nosed pliers against shoulder that holds hair spring pin and other jaw of pliers against
small end of pin and squeeze pin out (fig. 97). The end of the hair spring will then be free allowing speed cup
and staff to be removed. Using adjuster (T-178705) unscrew front jewel (fig. 96). Back off thumb screw of
hair spring puller (T-66296) and place claw around staff and under center of hair spring. Tighten down thumb
screw until hair spring comes off (fig. 84).