Operator's manual
Delete command line
"Delete command"
New command can be added to blank line.
(New command can be added to blank line
without deleting the old one - it is deleted
It's ok to have blank lines between commands -
blank lines are cut when the sequence starts. Delete command line Floating command line
If you press
"Move line up (down)"
and the line
(above/below) is not empty – then the line is
not deleted, but changes places with the source
command. Generally about sequence
If you press
"Move line up (down)"
and the line up (down)
is not blank – the line is not deleted, but
changes places with the source command.
A sequence line can be navigated back if a
wrong selection has been made.
If you start entering a line and do not continue
to the end, then it will be invalid.
This is what an invalid command looks like.
See Fig. 51
Fig. 51