® example app screens
Run Mode
Within this section the user
can control the speed of the
HRV Unit. The current status
of the HRV and any warnings
or alerts are also shown on
this screen.
Boost Overrun
A programmable timer that controls
the length of time the HRV
remains at Boost Speed after
all boost switches have been
released. Separate times
can be configured for both
Kitchen and Wetroom Boost
switches. Adjustable between
0 and 60 minutes.
Humidity Threshold Control
Units are fitted with an Integrated
Humidity Control. This
continuously monitors
the relative humidity (RH)
of the extracted air and
triggers Boost Speed when
the relative humidity rises
over the set threshold. The
Humidity Sensor’s trigger point is variable
from 30% RH to 100%RH
Fan Commissioning
When installing any HRV unit, it’s
important to get the air
flow correct as per design
specifications. The Fan
Commissioning section
allows installers to adjust the
air flow accordingly. Ideal for
maintenance and quick and
easy commissioning. Passcode 3333.
Summer Bypass
During summer months, it’s important
to put your HRV unit into
Summer Bypass to restrict the
amount of hot air returning
into a dwelling. With the
Summer Bypass Control, it
allows the user to be able to
check the temperatures and
disable Summer Boost if necessary.
Control/Switch settings
Control/Switch settings allows the user
to set the function of 5 (3
volt free and 2 Live switch)
physical switch inputs on the
controller. These can be set
to a Kitchen Boost, Wet Room
Boost (providing a different
run on time), setback,
summer boost disable, or fan speed 4.