Section 4
Field Calibration Instructions
Version 3.01
1.0 Background
The EPA is currently mandating that all additive injectors be calibrated at least two times per year. Injector
calibration insures the
indicated volume
dispensed (additive indicated on ProPAC-3 display) represents the
actual volume
dispensed. Calibration is affected by several factors including additive viscosity, pressure,
meter-to-meter variation and the volume of additive injected. Often, additive viscosity changes greatly with
temperature, thereby, necessitating the need for quarterly (seasonal) calibration.
The ProPAC-3 utilizes a positive displacement flow meter that provides additive pulses to the injector
microprocessor. Each additive pulse represents a measured quantity of additive dispensed through the
injector. The measured quantity varies slightly from meter to meter. The meter-to-meter variation,
combined with other variations such as viscosity, necessitates the need to field calibrate the injector on site.
The value, which equates the additive flow meter pulses into a measured quantity of additive, is termed the
additive K-Factor. K-Factor is defined as pulses per unit of measure. Typical additive K-Factors for the
standard Titan flow meter are 2700 pulses per gallon, however, typical K-Factors for fuel additives may
range from 2000-2800.
Calibration is typically performed by injecting additive into a 1000 ml graduated cylinder. The ProPAC-3
is calibrated by adjusting the Additive K-Factor (program menu), until the indicated volume dispensed
equals the actual volume of additive dispensed into the graduated cylinder.
2.0 Calculating the Additive K-Factor
There are two recommended methods, which may be used to calculate the Additive K-Factor, the
Automated Calibration method and Manual Calibration method.
Automated Calibration -
The ProPAC-3 incorporates unique software that automatically
calculates the additive K-Factor for the user. The user is required to use a graduated cylinder, follow
directions displayed on the graphical display, and enter the actual volume of additive dispensed into the
cylinder following the calibration. The user will enter the actual volume dispensed (cc's) into the ProPAC-3
program software. The software calculates and automatically changes the K-Factor to the newly computed
value. The new Additive K-Factor is displayed for a period of time, so it may be recorded by the user in a
calibration log.
Step 1
- Enter the ProPAC-3 program. Insure Calibration is programmed Enabled.
Step 2
- Redirect the additive flow out the Test Port of the 3-way outlet ball valve. Crack the ball
valve approximately 3/4 open in order to provide some back pressure and reduce the flow of additive. With
a slop oil bucket under the Test Port and with the additive pump/motor positioned ON, push the Test
Injection pushbutton on the side of the ProPAC-3 several times, in order to purge any air from the system.
Air in the additive fluid will make injector calibration impossible to perform accurately.
Step 3
- Following the purge of air from the system, press and hold the calibration pushbutton for
three (3) seconds, then releases the pushbutton. When the pushbutton is released, the display prompts the
user to prepare for the Automatic Calibration.
Step 4
- Follow instructions provided on the graphical display. Several calibrations may be
required in order for the displayed additive volume to match the actual volume of additive injected.
Step 5
- When the calibration is complete, document the new additive K-Factor.
Summary of Contents for ProPAC-3
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