Titan Enterprises Ltd ©2021
2. Installation
The Atrato must be installed in a positive pressure system. Ensure that
there is sufficient back pressure on the flowmeter to keep any gas in
Back Pressure >500mbar plus two times the liquid vapour pressure
Locate the flowmeter in a sheltered position away from falling water.
Care must be taken to ensure that the end fittings on the meter are not
stressed during use. Ideally, flexible tubes should be used.
Ideally the meter should be installed with straight lengths of tube either
side for a distance of 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 downstream.
Install the device well away from valves, regulators, bends and other
components that could cause excessive turbulence on the fluid
entering or leaving the meter.
If necessary, use spacer blocks and mounting clips to raise the pipe
work centre line 58mm above the surface.
It is good practice to use upstream and downstream isolating full bore
ball valves to facilitate easy meter installation or removal.
If push-
in 3/8” John Guest fittings are used, clip the pipes to the
mounting surface 300mm upstream and 150 downstream.
If there is any chance of air passing through the system, mount the
Atrato in a vertical pipe with the flow in an upward direction. Otherwise,
air can remain trapped in the meter and affect its performance.
The Atrato is not recommended for pulsating flow. Any pulsations must
be damped to less than 10Hz to prevent aliasing of measurement.