Pag. 5 / 9 DMAN63W0000020-2Ways2 Manual - System100 Hydro STD2
Er18: Run out of pellet
Er23: Boiler probe or Buffer probe open
Er25: Error Engine cleaning Brazier
Er39: Air Flow Regulator Sensor broken.
Er41: Minimum air flow in Check Up not reached.
Er42: Maximum air flow Up reached (
Er44: Open door error.
Er47: Auger Encoder error, no Encoder signal.
Er48: Auger Encoder error: auger speed regulation failed.
Er52: I/O I2C Module error
Er57: Test ’Forced Draught High’ in Check Up fail (
Service: It notifies that the planned hours of functioning (parameter
) is reached. It is necessary to
call for service.
-Other messages:
Prob: Visualization of the state of temperature probes. The message displayed in Check-Up indicates
that the red temperature on one or more probes is equal to the minimum value (0°C) or maximum (it
depends on probe considered). Check that the probes aren’t open (0°C) or in short-circuit (maximum
value of the temperature scale).
Clean: This message notifies that the planned hours of functioning (parameter
) is reached. It is
necessary to clean the stove or boiler.
Block-Ignition: The message appears if the system is turned off during Ignition (after Preload) by an
external device: the system will stop only when it goes in Run Mode.
Door: The message notifies that the door is open.
Cleaning On: Periodic Cleaning in progress.
-Battery Charge Level:
Maximum battery charge
Battery discharged; replace the
battery as soon as possible. The
image blinks.
Battery charge at 2/3
Battery charge at a 1/3
The Menu
To enter the Menu press the SET key on the remote control. The Submenu list or the parameter list will
appear with the current set value:
The storage of a new value is associated to the transmission to the control board; if it fails the message
'Transfer not successful '
In this case try to modify again the parameter’s value.
C01 1.0
C02 1.2
C03 4.1
C04 5.6
C05 6.2
C05 7.4
C05 7.4
System Menu
Combustion Fan
Combustion Fan 2
Heating Fan
Max: 60.0
Set: 1.0
Min: 0.0
Parameter Code
Maximum Value
Current Value
Minimum Value