Pag. 3 / 9 DMAN63W0000020-2Ways2 Manual - System100 Hydro STD2
The Radio remote-control manages the functioning of the stove/boiler and monitors the state of operation in
real time. The main characteristics are:
Remote Control of the system with battery supply
Room Thermostat embedded
Parameters management of the control board
The system works on the radio band ISM 433,92MHz. The transmission and receiving distance can be
reduced in case of a noisy environment: other devices as wireless headphones, video sender, toys or other
devices could influence in the performances of the system.
Check the presence of such instruments and make sure to turn them off in order to avoid electromagnetic
waves pollution.
If more remote controls are nearby, it is necessary to associate the remote control with a specific
stove/boiler (see section 3, Settings Menu).