NOVA-65 SC/0111258-00
Tideland Signal
31 of 32
Rev. B 16-Jun-16
Lantern Failure
The fail terminal is asserted. Nova-65 SC has experienced a general failure.
When no other failure is indicated by SignalView, a failure other than those
specifically detected by SignalView has occurred.
Low Voltage Lockout
Low Voltage Lockout has been activated by a low voltage condition. The lockout
is reset by cycling input power.
Standby Fail
The Standby unit in the Main /Standby system has failed.
Flash Inhibited
This indicates that the flash has been suspended. This message is generated
either when the lantern is in RTC winter mode or the flash has been inhibited by
overriding sunswitch control.
Alternate Flash due to Low Voltage
The alternate code is activated because of a low voltage condition.
Remove the black tape from the sunswitch and observe that the light