After Flight Checklist
Trouble Shooting
(1) Check every screw and bolt to make sure none has loosened due to vibration.
(2) Check every rotating and movable part to ensure they still move smoothly and normally.
(3) Clean off the exhaust residue from the muffler, engine, and helicopter.
(4) Check all movable parts, such as gears, ball links, belt, etc. for unusual wear.
(1) 每次飛行後必須詳細的檢查機體的各部位螺絲有無鬆動情形,若發生鬆動必須確實鎖緊再進行下飛行。
(2) 每次飛行後檢查每一個轉動部位(含單頭連接桿)均能順暢的運作。
(3) 排氣管、引擎、直昇機本體必須確實的清潔。
(4) 檢查每一個動作部位,加齒輪、球頭、皮帶等。
[1]The engine will not start.
* The engine starting shaft will not turn:
The engine may be flooded with too much fuel. Please remove the glow plug first, then turn the engine with the electric starter until the excess
fuel spits out of the glow plug hole.
* The engine turns when the electric starter is applied, but the engine will not start:
(1) Is the glow plug working? Remove the glow plug and does the platinum coil glow red when a 1.5 volt battery is applied to the plug? If not,
then the glow plug battery may be weak and old.
(2) Is the carburetor needle properly set? Please refer to the engine instruction manual for the proper needle setting.
(3) Does the throttle control arm move properly and in the correct direction according your transmitter command?
* Engine will start, but quits immediately.
(1) Use the transmitter to increase the carburetor opening slightly. The throttle stick should never exceed the 1/3 positiom when starting the engine.
(2) Try a new or different type of glow plug. There are different types of glow plugs on the market for different types of fuel and operating
conditions. Seek the advice of experienced fliers and also experiment with different types of glow plugs until you find the one that suits
your operating condition the best.
* Engine runs, but the helicopter will not lift off.
(1) Check the main rotor blade pitch angle, they should be set at 5.5 to 6 degrees when the transmitter throttle/collective stick is at the center position.
(2) Does the engine throttle arm move properly? The carburetor opening should be fully open when the transmitter throttle/collective stick is
moved up. The carburetor opening should be nearly closed when the transmitter throttle/collective stick is moved down. And the opening
should be completely closed when the transmitter throttle/collective stick is moved down and the throttle trim is also moved down.
(3) Check your engine manual for proper starting point settings. Then try again to start your engine. If smoke is excessive when adding throttle
your high speed needle may be too rich. Try a few clicks turning clockwise and try again. Once proper needle settings are achieved, model
should lift off effortlessly.
[2] Helicopter problems.
* The helicopter shakes.
(1) Is the blade spindle bent?
(2) Is the flybar bent?
(3) Is the main rotor shaft bent?
(4) Are the two control paddles mounted at the same distance from the rotor shaft, and the paddles are parallel to each other, and in the proper direction?
(5) Is the tail rotor shaft bent? The tail rotor blades mounted properly or damaged?
(6) Are the main rotor blades damaged or mounted in the proper orientation? The blades may require additional balancing. The blade balance
can be checked by removing both blades and then use one of the 4mm blade bolt and nut to hold the two blades together like a teeter
totter. Then, hold the blade bolt with your thumb and index finger. The two blades should teeter and remain in a level position. If not, then
add some tape to the lighter blade near the blade tip until the two blades teeter in a level position. Hobby shops also sell blade balancers
that are designed solely for balancing model helicopter blades.
1. 引擎無法啟動或無法正常起飛時:
1. 檢查電夾是否有足夠的電源,可以將預備的火星塞接到電夾上作確認,若電夾顯示正常,可能需要更換一個新的火星塞。
2. 化油器的油針設定是否需要重新設定?請檢查主副油針的相關設定。
3. 試著將油門微調調高或是將油門控制桿稍微往上推,再進行啟動程序,較低的油門設定可能無法順利啟動引擎。
1. 引擎啟動後,加速的動作稍微減緩,當引擎的低速油針設定的較富油時,可能會發生此狀況。
2. 試著更換多種其他類型的火星塞,依據您所使用的燃油、引擎來選擇最適用的火星塞。
1. 檢查主旋翼的攻角,在中速位置主旋翼的攻角應該是在5.5~6度的範圍。
2. 檢查當油門推桿在高速位置時,能夠讓節氣閥達到高速的位置;當低速時,節氣閥必須在接近關閉的位置。
3. 化油氣的油針是否位做適當的設定?先順時針旋轉將主油針關閉,再逆時針放開約2~2.5圈(此設定值請參考同好之間的設定或是各廠牌引擎的說明書
2. 直昇機的問題
1. 檢查皮帶是否設定的太鬆或過緊,未正確安裝或發生反纏的現象。
2. 檢查平衡桿是否兩端長度不一致或是彎曲。
3. 檢查主軸是否彎曲。
4. 檢查主旋翼兩端轉座是否跟主軸等距。在組裝旋翼頭時,若未於旋翼緩衝橡皮上油,可能會發生橫軸位置偏移的現象,此時當直昇機低速時會發生明顯
5. 尾旋翼軸是否彎曲?尾旋翼轉座是否鬆動或損毀?尾旋翼是否有單邊毀損的情形?
主旋翼出廠前均已做過嚴謹的配對檢驗工作,但使用時仍必須再次進行主旋翼的重心、重量微調,您可以使 用市售的主旋翼重心調整器來作旋翼重心的
7. 主旋翼以及尾旋翼的鬆緊度必須一致,若有單一側較緊的情況,也可能造成機體震動。
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