54.Locate the fiber cloth then cut into two pieces at about
100 x 80mm (4 " x 3").
55. Apply 30 min epoxy at the glue area and carefully cote
the fiber cloth.
56.Lubricant oil to the hinges of elevator torque rod. You
may spray WD-40 on the hobby knife then use the knife
tip to contact the torque shaft and the oil will go into the
hinge. Epoxy the elevator joiner in place.
57.Locate the elevator pushrod parts as shown, epoxy
the plywood inside the wood rod at two ends with wires.
Thread the M2 nuts and clevises and make sure the
whole elevator pushrod has no free play. Note the
orientation of the pushrod and clevis.
58. Apply a small tube onto the clevis then connect the
elevator pushrod to the elevator torque rod. A flat head
screwdriver will help snapping the clevises onto the
torque rod link. Trim the elevator center notch for enough
throws (down) as page 24 shown.
59.Install elevator servo, note the servo horn orientation.
Then adjust the clevises to make sure elevators are level
when servo is in neutral position. When satisfied, remove
the elevator pushrod temporarily and secure M2 nuts and
clevises firmly.
60.Trail fit the Vertical Fin Bracket in the Vertical Fin, you
may need to sand to fit in place. When satisfied, use
furnished covering and iron on the covering as shown.
61. Glue Vertical Fin Bracket in place and make sure the
upper one and lower one are in line. Apply epoxy at
torque rod hole next install the elevator in place. CA all
hinges and make sure elevator is firmly secured.
62.CA the Rudder on Vertical Fin with three CA hinges.
Next install the control horns on the rudder with two
2x30mm machine screws and M2 nuts.
63.Locate the straight threaded end, brass tube, M2 nuts,
clevises and wire. Cut wire in length 90mm. First thread
the M2 nut and clevis then secure the M2 nut on clevis.
Then route the wire through the tube and make it a circle.
52.Sand the tail saddle to increase the roughness as well
as inside of the flange as the fiber cloth will be applied
53. Insert and center the tail in place. Use books or boxes
to support tail ends make sure it is level to the main wing.
You may need to file the flange to get a good fit. Use
furnished rubber bands to reduce the gap and fix the tail
in place. Apply thick CA or epoxy when satisfied.