78.Install the Sept. Fury Exclusive Muffler(TTR9791),
which contains 2 angled exhaust pipes and aim to the
concavity of the fuselage for true scale looking.
79.Install T tube fitting and fuel tube plug as shown, this
will help you to know fuel is full when pumping.
80. Install the EZ connector on the throttle servo horn
with M2 washer and M2 nut. Afterwards, thread the
throttle pushrod through the EZ connect and secure the
servo horn on the servo. Adjust the servo with the radio
on, once satisfied with the result, proceed to secure the
throttle pushrod with a 3x3mm set screw.
81. Locate the retract servo tray, glue the doubler as
shown. Then, install the retract servo on the servo tray.
82. Secure the whole assembly in place with four 2.3x12mm
washer wood screws. Next secure two Steel Balls on the
servo horn with 2x8mm machine screw and M2 nuts. The
distance between two balls is 24mm. Fine adjust the retract
pushrod, and make sure the ball link with "Tiger" is facing
up. Switch on the retract gear to make sure the retract gear
works smoothly.
83. Place a battery in the battery case; use double side
tape to secure it in the fro nt of battery case. You can use
the excess servo tray plywood to make a block to hold
battery in place. It requires an extension wire to connect
to the switch harness. Approximately 300-350g of weight
will be added in the front of the battery case. See balance
section in page24 and add proper weights to get right CG.
84. Secure battery box cover with four 2x8mm washer
wood screws.
85. Connect all servo wires to the receiver; wrap the
receiver with foam to fully protect the receiver. Insert
receiver between frame and fiberglass wall in fuselage.
86.Route the antenna along the fuselage and exit at the
tail gear opening. Tape the wire in place as shown.
Locate the fuel tank and its accessories. Assemble the
tank as shown. Install the fuel tank in place, connect the
fuel lines and exit from the firewall for enough length to
carb and muffler.
76.Place the Engine (Thunder Tiger PRO-91 Shown) in
the Engine Mount then proceed to make mount hole
marks on the engine mount where drive washer is 5 3/4"
(147mm) to the firewall.
77. Remove the engine and engine mount. Drill the 3.4mm
holes based on those marks then tap the hole with M4x0.7
thread tap. Connect throttle pushrod then secure the engine
with M4x20mm socket cap screws. Make a Z bent on throttle
pushrod as indicated.