© 2018 Thorlabs
1 General Information
1 General Information
The T-Cube Series LED Driver is a very compact, single channel controller for easy control of
the LED intensity. The LEDD1B delivers a max output current of 1200mA. It is designed for use
with the Thorlabs collimated and mounted high power LED packages. The connected LED is
controlled by one of 3 selectable modes: continuous, modulation or trigger mode.
The continuous mode is ideal for imaging with CCD cameras or photodiodes. In this mode the
LED current is controlled by means of a single turn control knob.
When operating in modulation mode, an external control signal modulates the LED current and
the brightness of the LED.
The trigger mode can be used to strobe the LED, or to control average power by using pulse
width modulation (up to 1 kHz rep rate).
For convenience the footprint of the unit has been kept small (60 mm x 60 mm (2.4" x 2.4")).
The included adapter plate allows to mount the LEDD1B directly to an optical table or bread-
board. The controls for LED current and operating mode are located on top.
The LED current limit control is placed on the front side of the driver. A screwdriver (included in
the package) is necessary to adjust the LED current limit in the range between 200 mA and
1200 mA.
LEDD1B T-Cube LED Driver with M455L2-C1 Collimator Assembly
The LEDD1B can be powered using either a KPS101 power supply or the TCH002 T-Cube Hub
and Power Supply. The KPS101, which powers a single T-Cube, plugs into a standard wall out-
let and pr15 VDC. The TCH002 Hub and Power Supply consists of two parts: the hub,
which can support up to six standard-footprint T-cubes, and a power supply that plugs into a
standard wall outlet and powers the hub, which in turn powers all the T-cubes connected to the
Also, the compact 8-way TPS008 power supply unit is available from Thorlabs to power up to 8
LEDD1Bs or other T-Cube Drivers from a single mains outlet. This power supply unit is also de-
signed to take up minimal space and can be mounted on the optical table in close proximity to
the driver units, connected via short power leads.