Chapter 2
Overview and Setup
The miniAPT Stepper Motor Controller has been designed to address the need for
driving smaller frame, lower powered (<5W) stepper motors. As a member of the
Thorlabs family of APT motion controllers, the miniAPT controller inherits a fully
featured set of hardware and software functionality as described in the remainder of
this handbook.
The unit is available in single (BMS001) and two channel (BMS002) versions. Control
of the unit can be performed in both ‘Local’ (benchtop) and ‘Remote’ (PC) modes. In
‘Local’ mode, the unit is operated via a set of front panel buttons and associated 16 x
2 character LCD display. Using the front panel, full access to all operating modes and
parameters is possible without the need to connect a controller PC. However, in those
applications where operation using a PC is required (e.g. to automate operation or
combine operation with other PC based software) ‘Remote’ mode is available. In
‘Remote’ mode, the unit can be connected to a PC via the USB port. A fully featured
software suite is provided (the APT system software) and once installed on the PC,
complete control of the stepper controller is possible. The APT software supplied
includes out-of-the-box utilities that allow immediate user interaction. Additionally, a
rich set of ActiveX programming interfaces (via a set of ActiveX controls - see Section
2.8.) is provided to allow PC programmers to develop automated motion control
applications in any language supporting ActiveX controls. This software
programmability is seamlessly integrated with the complete range of APT controllers
and allows the possibility of easily combining operation of the miniAPT stepper motor
driver with other APT hardware.
In the remainder of this handbook, operation of the unit is described for both benchtop
(Local) and PC (Remote) operation. Tutorial sections (Chapter 3 and Chapter 4)
provide a good initial understanding on using the unit and reference sections (Chapter
5 and Chapter 6) cover all operating modes and parameters in detail.