BMS001 and BMS002 Stepper Motor Controller
The APT ActiveX Controls collection provides a rich set of graphical user panels and
programmable interfaces allowing users and client application developers to interact
seamlessly with the APT hardware. Each of the APT controllers has an associated
ActiveX Control and these are described fully in system online help or the handbooks
associated with the controllers. Note that the APTUser and APTConfig utilities take
advantage of and are built on top of the powerful functionality provided by the APT
ActiveX Server (as shown in Fig. 2.5).
Fig. 2.5 System Architecture Diagram
Refer to the main APT Software online help file, MG17Base.hlp, for a complete
programmers guide and reference material on using the APT ActiveX Controls
collection. Additional software developer support is provided by the APT Support CD
supplied with every APT controller. This CD contains a complete range of tutorial
samples and coding hints and tips, together with handbooks for all the APT